Did you know that when we go through a traumatic event, like our current pandemic of COVID -19, it can cause some to have behaviors and show symptoms that mimic attention problems/ADHD, especially in our children?
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What Can I Do to Help My Child Get Through the Stress of The Pandemic?
Posted on Categories Trauma and StressAs a parent, it can be hard to see your child struggle for any reason. It is even harder to look at their struggles and attempt to help them through it when we are going through the same experience they are. The Covid-19 pandemic has hit us all hard. It is a wonder that many of us can still remember to take a shower, let alone try to help our children through the emotional and behavioral craziness they are experiencing too!

So What Is This Thing Called Sensory Processing?
Posted on Categories Sensory ProcessingSensory Processing has become a common phrase that parents, teachers, and some professionals are using a lot today. It merely refers to how we receive, analyze, and respond to the signals and information in our environment. How our brains process this information serves as the foundation for all of our other developmental skills, whether that be behavioral, social, or emotional. Issues that arise in one of our systems functioning, in either taking in the information, organizing it, or even responding to it, can impact all the other processing areas in our brains and, ultimately, affect how we are acting every day.
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