Cognitive & Memory Training
You need your child to be able to concentrate and remember important details. Too many things like homework assignments and following multi-step directions are falling through the cracks and you’re starting to wonder if there’s a way to improve her memory and logical, every day thinking.
The thing is, you’ve tried multiple times to help with your child’s attention span and focus, but nothing has worked so far. You’re ready to find something that will finally work.
You used to think it was cute that your child was a little forgetful. The way you’d innocently remind her of the what she was supposed to do next would tug at your heartstrings and make you feel needed. But as he grew, you noticed his memory wasn’t growing in proportion to his size, and though he was more mature in other ways, he still needed a lot of reminding of basic details. You notice it at home when it’s time to do chores or finish homework and teachers have also commented that they often have to intervene and keep your child on task.

You tried to embrace it as just a personality quirk and you’ve had several conversations about slowing down and taking it one thing at a time. Some days you can ask her to do five different projects and she will sail through the things on her list. But on others, she asks for help or skips steps altogether.
Now, as your child ages, you’re worried you need to get some professional help.
Your child’s attention span is extremely short, and he has trouble concentrating for more than a few minutes. He is smart and capable but doesn’t appear to have the storage in his brain to remember all the steps or details of a project or process. Your child seems to lack the concentration skills to focus on something long-term. He also gets easily upset when you ask him to do something he doesn’t want to do or something that is difficult.
That’s not to say you only care about your child’s intelligence. In fact, you want him to be well-rounded and well-accomplished. You know there are things that will come more easily than others or things he will find difficult. You believe that all children are unique and have strengths and weaknesses that shape them into individuals. And, you want to help your child capitalize on her exceptionality and thrive.
But what you didn’t expect was how much being able to sit still and regulate his emotions would impact your child’s ability to make friends and have relationships with peers. You never imagined your child would be failing school or lacking the motivation and interest to keep enjoying the things he loves. You had no idea that a short attention span would cause him to meltdown or withdraw altogether.
So now you find yourself
The parent of a forgetful, absent-minded child who needs help keeping track of details.
It hit you yesterday…
You and your child thought it would be fun to bake cupcakes and watch a movie. You got out all the ingredients and had fun measuring and mixing the batter. The treats cooked and cooled, and it was time to head to the living room to put on the TV. You asked your child to clean up and double check everything had been put in its place. But when you came back into the kitchen after the movie ended, you noticed the oven had been on for hours.
The idea of how dangerous this was completely horrified you.

You honestly trusted your child to take care of minute details. That it would be a simple task to remember to turn off the appliances and make sure the family was safe. But at that moment, you saw just how hard it was for her to pay attention and to remember the small things.
You didn’t want to ruin the fun afternoon you’d had, but you couldn’t let something so dangerous slide. So, you confronted her and asked why she hadn’t thought of the stove. She shrugged her shoulders and gave an excuse. You could feel the defeat radiating off her and the instant deflation of her self-esteem.
You weren’t sure how big of a role memory and attention played in childhood, but now that your child is older it’s apparent…
Your child IS forgetful and unfocused.
Regardless of how many times you remind him or what precautions you take, your child is still struggling with paying attention and concentrating on the details of a task. Never mind the fact that his homework and social obligations are only getting more demanding. You absolutely thought he’d find his focus and outgrow some of his distractibility by now, but you’re starting to see that his difficulty concentrating is impacting his ability to remember details.
It’s distressing to see your child struggle to recall the basic steps of simple tasks. There are so many expectations to reach certain achievements and hold certain standards and you just don’t know how he’s going to meet these requirements without being able to buckle down and concentrate.
But the truth is, kids can grow and adapt and there are ways to help them better navigate the demands of their lives. Increasing mental clarity and focus is not a one size fits all approach. It requires specialized evaluation and individual plans to ensure you are meeting your child where is and addressing their particular struggles.

You are not the only parent to worry if your child will ever reach her full potential. We see this every day at Sensory Stepping Stones. The key is continuing to focus on your child’s strengths and developing a plan to address any deficits.
You’re ready to make sure your child is the happiest and most functional he can be, and we’re here to help.
The Cognitive & Memory Training Program at Sensory Stepping Stones
The Cognitive & Memory Training Program is a process of exercising the brain and is designed to enhance your child’s ability to process and learn through the stimulation of his nervous system. After completing this program:
- Your child will improve thinking and processing skills
- Your child will develop stronger reasoning skills and a better memory
- Your child will experience quicker hand-eye coordination
- Your child will feel more capable of remembering tasks and details
- Your child will build skills to regulate emotions
- Your child will express more self-confidence
The Cognitive & Memory Training Process
We will meet together 30 – 40 times to complete individual Cognitive & Memory Training sessions. Each session lasts between 45 – 60 minutes and takes place at least two times per week. There are over 50 multi-level programs offered through this training based on where the person is and growth.
However, Cognitive & Memory Training is most typically offered as part of a larger package of programs such as the Sensory Learning Program, Interactive Metronome , and Neuro/Bio/Educational Feedback Training.
Although Cognitive & Memory Training works for people of all ages who have a variety of conditions affecting their cognitive or physical abilities, it is uniquely designed to ensure your child recognizes his progress as it is occurring, increasing his motivation toward therapy and his ultimate recovery or gains in ability.
The Cognitive & Memory Training Program can also be used with children without a specific diagnosis to tune our distractions and better control their emotions.
The goals of the Cognitive & Memory Training Program include:
- Visual Motor Skills
- Fine Motor Skills
- Visual Perception/Scanning/Tracking
- Mental Processing Speed
- Attention/Focus Skills
- Alternating/Selective/Divided Attention
- Memory Skills
- Central/Visual/Auditory Processing Speed
- Auditory/Visual Attention
- Listening Skills
- Detailed Reading
- Visuospatial Classification/Sequencing
- Response Inhibition
- Conceptual Skills
- Sequencing
- Logical Skills
- Problem Solving Skills
- Working & Short Term Memory
- Impulsivity Control
Cognitive & Memory Training sessions are available seven days a week as a standalone therapy service or as part of larger programs held at the clinic.
More About Sensory Stepping Stones
Sensory Stepping Stones is a center dedicated to providing both traditional and innovative programs to help your child. We combine multiple, evidenced-based treatments into a holistic approach geared toward aiding your child and your family to reach its full potential.
It is our mission to provide specific, holistic programs to enhance your child’s mental, emotional, physical, and functional performance so he or she experiences greater self-awareness, understanding, and growth. Our clinic insists upon creating an atmosphere that encourages your child to learn, discover, mature, and develop positive self-esteem. You can read more about our clinic here.
Who Benefits Most from the Cognitive & Memory Training Program at Sensory Stepping Stones
The Cognitive & Memory Training Program is best for those who are looking to develop skills to recall and increase their mental/cognitive sharpness and acuity. The program helps children recall and remember details better and remain focused at school or home longer.
Your child will benefit from Cognitive & Memory Training if:
- You notice your child does not process the environment well
- Your child increasingly struggles academically
- Your child has difficulty identifying and controlling emotions
- Your child has poor motor skills
- Your child feels different in social situations
Your Next Steps
It is possible for your child to feel comfortable and happy in a variety of environments. He will be able to have fun intellectually, physically, and socially with children his own age and not struggle to fit in or feel awkward. You will feel confident knowing he can recognize and control his emotions and remain composed enough to focus on the tasks at hand.
Your child has some difficulty remembering small details, but that doesn’t mean she cannot train her brain to perform better.
You will be able to direct your child to complete tasks without worrying he will miss small details. You’ll also feel confident that he will have the mental space to concentrate on his school work, chores, or other tasks that require full focus. Ultimately, you can finally relax knowing that your child will find ways to strengthen his memory and cognitive skills.
To schedule a free consultation with Sensory Stepping Stones, click here.
What people are saying…
“I feel that I have been helped in understanding verbal information better and being able to learn complicated lessons. I need to teach without writing the steps down and am so much more confident in learning without having to write them down as much. I am quicker on my feet in conversation and have faster replies, even funny ones.”