Advocacy Services
Are you in need of an advocate for you and/or your child? Are you having difficulty navigating services and understanding the language of the special education or 504 plan process?

Sensory Stepping Stones is located in Dutchess County, New York, and is a full-service facility specializing in:
Neuro Processing
Receptive/Expressive Language Processing
Visual Processing
Auditory Processing
Sensory Integration
We also have a team of professionals who will work with families to advocate for the educational needs of their children. This may include but is not limited to: Evaluating testing results, IEP/504 plans, placement modifications, and accommodations, as well as working with your family and the local school districts to help ensure your child has all they need to be successful.
If you are interested in a free 30-minute consultation, we can set up a time to meet in the office. Please call (914) 244-4101.
Required to be sent to us before the time of consult:
* IEP/504
* Recent report cards/progress reports
* Teacher reports
Advocacy Services Offered:
* IEP/504 review
* Evaluation of tests results
* Program placement evaluations
* Classroom accommodations/ testing modification review
* Attendance at meetings- Initial/Triennial/Annual team meetings
* Communication with school personnel on behalf of you and your child
* Empowerment for self-advocacy work with the child
* Management of documents/records in an organized form
Please Note: Services listed above can be combined or done individually
What People are Saying
“I feel that I have been helped in understanding verbal information better and being able to learn complicated lessons. I need to teach without writing the steps down and am so much more confident in learning without having to write them down as much. I am quicker on my feet in conversation and have faster replies, even funny ones.”