Children & Teen Discussion Groups & Forums

- 7-10 year olds - Tuesdays 5:30pm - 6 Classes
- 11-14 year olds - Thursdays 5:30pm - 6 Classes
We know that today, more children and teens are experiencing anxiety and stress and that this anxiety can be crippling for children and their parents. A safe place to gain the opportunity to share their worries and fears, develop coping strategies and skills, and ultimately inner strength can be life-changing for children. During the group sessions, we will focus on understanding what and how anxiety develops, how to recognize and then change those thoughts, cope with the worries and fears that come up to help alleviate the symptoms of participants. This will be an interactive group where students will practice these new skills as they learn them.
Because anxiety is an individualized and complex subject stemming from various sources, we will not be digging into the root causes of each student's worry. However, participants in the group will be asked to think of personal fears and then can choose to share during the sessions if they are comfortable doing so.
Session Outline:
- Session 1 – Introductions & How Anxiety Happens
- Session 2 - What We Worry About
- Session 3 - Flipping Negative Thoughts
- Session 4 - Recognizing My Anxiety
- Session 5 - Coping With Worries
- Session 6 - What Is In My Control
- Saturdays 9:00am - 6 Classes
In this weekly group, children will focus on advancing their pre-existing social-emotional, executive functioning, and mental health and wellness skills. Participants will increase their knowledge and skillset through interactive and engaging learning opportunities as the group is guided through meaningful dialogue and activities. Participant interaction is encouraged to help support one another and social skill development.
Session Outline:
- Session 1 Topic: Self-Esteem
- Session 2 Topic: Healthy Friendships
- Session 3 Topic: Dealing with Everyday Stress and Frustrations
- Session 4 Topic: Anger Management
- Session 5 Topic: Problem Solving
- Session 6 Topic: Positive Coping Strategies
- Wednesdays 4:30pm - 6 Classes
- Saturdays 10:15am - 6 Classes
This 6-week program will allow children to discuss and participate in activities that foster social-emotional learning and awareness.
Session 1 - Being a Helpful Person, working cooperatively, and good sportsmanship
Session 2 - Matching
Session 3 - Emotional awareness and regulation
Session 4 - Social Cues
Session 5 - Being Assertive
Session 6 – How to Be A Good Bystander
Sessions begin with an introduction, explanation, and examples of each topic. An individual or group activity will then be done that involves this topic, a guided question, and answers on the situation. Activities will include visual and auditory observing of others’ voices, hand motions, and facial expressions.
- GIRLS GROUP: Wednesdays 5:30pm – 6 Classes
- BOYS GROUP: Saturdays 1:00pm – 6 Classes
We can all recognize that adolescence can be very challenging in today's world. Preteens and teens are constantly thinking about what they are good at and what they are not. They can start to feel powerless and believe that they cannot change how good or bad they are at something. However, when we give them the tools, they can help transform this limited thinking and put their dreams into action. They can increase their self-confidence and feel the power they hold inside themselves to create a new reality and life they imagine.
Each session, we connect as a group and create a mindset around a self-affirming topic. Participants will honor their unique selves, transform negative self-talk to positive self-talk, create positive affirmations for the future they desire, and use visualization to develop and deepen neural pathways to set their desires in motion.
Goals of the program:
- The participant will identify three unique aspects about themselves that they love
- The participant will transform a negative self-talk statement into a positive self-talk statement
- The participant will create three positive affirmations for a future they desire
- The participant will understand how to visualize a positive affirmation as if it is occurring right now to create a new neural pathway.
This class will also discuss the following topics of importance in self-esteem:
- Watching your self-talk
- Focus on your strengths
- You are special
- Don't compare yourself to others
- Realize why people try to tear you down
- Why you must help others
- Saturdays 11:30am – 6 Classes
Throughout this group, we will look at all the different stressors one may be facing, especially for a pre-teen/teenager today. Many of our teens keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves and feel alone in their views, so it can be helpful and reassuring to know that others who are the same age may have the same thoughts. Today in 2024, so many pre-teens/teens are stressed about homework, school, looks, friends, social media, parents, college and more.
All sessions are interactive and will include discussions and guidance and coaching on various stress management/mindfulness techniques that students can use to manage their stress & emotions. Students are encouraged to ask questions and share their thoughts and perspectives.
- Session 1: From Stress to Success
- Session 2 & 3: Stress & Time Management
- Session 4: From Stress to Wellness
- Session 5 & 6: Social Stress & Pressure
Ages 4-6 years old
- Thursdays 3:30pm – 6 Classes
- Fridays 4:30pm - 6 Classes
Each session, participants will experience a neurologically-based program that centers on gross motor movements, hand-eye coordination, vestibular and proprioceptive imput, and mindfulness while including simple body movements that can be included in daily activities. During these sessions, we will:
- Get our blood flowing to wake up our bodies and brains to help with focus and organization
- Use cross-body movements to activate both sides of our brain to help with the flexibility of thought and learning integration
- Use self-pressure and coordinated movements for emotional regulation to help with calming and self-control
- Practice eye exercises and balance to improve coordination and creative thinking
- Learn and practice breathing techniques to regain control and focus in any situation
During the six-week program, students will learn these easy movement techniques that empower them to control their learning, emotions, and attention.
- Tuesdays 6:30pm - 6 Classes
Anger is a normal part of being human. Big emotions are sometimes difficult for children to handle and that's where the Anger Dragon comes in. It provides students with an opportunity to take control of their emotions and express their needs and concerns in a positive way. Throughout the sessions strategies for handling emotions in positive ways are explored using of visualization and imagery, relaxation training, playing games and sensory activities, listening to music reading and writing our own stories, and discussing our feelings and emotions. We also talk about brain-based strategies including recognizing and stopping the amygdala hijack (our anger dragon brain), using breathing and relaxation to activate the prefrontal cortex (our logical brain), and we trace an emotional response through the brain! Each week will focus on a different strategy, including activities based on student-driven interests and ideas.
Weekly themes and topics will include:
- Visualization and using mind movies to calm down
- Creating our “happy place” through tapping into our senses and using our imagination
- “I messages” and asking for what we want and need
- Understanding where anger comes from and how to recognize body signals
- Stop the lava and angry volcano
- Space and shape breathing and visualization
- “Fight, Flight or Freeze” and what your brain does with strong emotions.
- Relaxation: “Breathe! Relax! Repeat!”
Wednesdays 6:30pm - 6 Classes
Each session will have a discussion topic or a question that relates to the topic of the day in some way or builds class community.
Students will be given the opportunity to reflect on and share their week. They can evaluate their academic progress for the week, share challenges in terms of organization, social and personal relationships, and executive function, and brainstorm with other students on how to meet these challenges.
Topics covered throughout the weeks will include focus, time management, overcoming time blindness, accountability, organization, impulse control, long-term planning, social and emotional regulation and communication skills with peers and adults.